Friday, August 04, 2006

Hey it's good (?) to be back home (?) again....

Hm. Well, in any case, I'm back in Mauritania, like it or not. It is nice to see some of my friends, though, and I'm planning to keep nice and busy over the rest of the summer, so I won't have too much time to think about my lonely fate. :)

My trip was just fabulous. Highlights include:

- Climbing a mountain
- Being attacked by monkeys
- Cheese, salsa, and chocolate chip cookies (not all at the same time)
- Flying
- Couches
- Hours of trail riding
- Trees, trees, and more trees - and all of them green!
- Seeing Notre Dame
- Hundreds of beautiful scarves
- Church
- Guiness in a London pub
- Rain and cold weather

I had such a lovely time with Mom and Dad. Kabul was a step up for me, so I really felt like I was vacationing. I met lots of great people, and I think I might even go back there when I'm done and teach English for a while. Our little trip to the mountains of Pakistan was lovely, too. It was so nice up there - like Oregon at 9000 feet! It was good to spend at least a few days somewhere that wasn't hot all the time. I was definitely sad when my three weeks were over, but I felt like we had a good amount of time together. Just one more year to go!

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