Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Forgetting those things which are behind

Those of you who are concerned about my mental health will be glad to know that my return to Maal was a great success on that front. Despite my fretting I found I was actually quite glad to be back. I spent a pleasant two weeks doing nothing much... hanging out with my family and a few friends, reading some books, taking long walks in the desert which has temporarily turned green. I was happy to be there and felt at peace - two things that haven't been the case very often in the past. Riding to Kaedi today I found myself feeling conspicuously serene; I only hope it will last when I'm thrown back into the pressures of doing my job and dealing with lots of people. I kind of think it will...inshallah.

I'm in Kaedi to see our new volunteers swear in, then next week I'm taking three girls from Aleg to Nouakchott for a week-long GMC conference. It's going to be pretty crazy, I think, so if anybody's in a praying mood they can pray that my serenity will be preserved - and that I can interact with these girls patiently all week. Female high-school-age Mauritanians are perhaps my least favorite segment of the population, and I think much patience will be needed.

"One thing I do: forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press forward toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ."


The Fly said...

I'm glad that you've arrived safely back in Mauritania, my dear. Keep us informed; I'll get to work on more letters.

Anna said...

Teenaged girls *shudder*
I'll definitely pray for you!