Sunday, November 12, 2006

The brief version

It occurs to me that it's been long and long since I wrote anything on this blog; yet, I am sick of sitting in front of this oh-so-slow computer, so I shall summarize:

- Ramadan was long, boring, hungry, and boring. Did I mention boring? School did not start.
- Eid il Fitr was good fun and full of sheep meat.
- School finally started two weeks ago and classes are good.
- There is a shower in Aleg, when the water's not gone.
- 8 months and 3 days to go.
- Company: excellent
- Mood: happy
- Weather: cooling
- Bugs: diminishing
- Elections: fun

I will elaborate on this last in a couple weeks, perhaps, for Mauritanian elections are quite interesting. But for now, bye!

1 comment:

Anna said...

Sorry Ramadan was boring :) When is the precise date of your return home? Do you know yet?